Saturday, December 28, 2019

Costo, requisitos y documentos para renovar DACA

Los muchachos migrantes indocumentados que han tenido alguna vez DACA aprobado pueden solicitar su renovacià ³n por decisià ³n de varias sentencias judiciales, a pesar de la orden del presidente Donald Trump de finalizar ese programa. DACA es un permiso que permite vivir temporalmente en Estados Unidos a jà ³venes migrantes indocumentados que llegaron al paà ­s siendo nià ±os y que reà ºnen una serie de requisitos. La obtencià ³n de DACA abre la puerta a la obtencià ³n de un Nà ºmero del Seguro Social, permiso de trabajo, licencia de manejar, etc., pero no es un camino hacia la tarjeta de residencia permanente, conocida como green card. En este artà ­culo se informa sobre los requisitos para solicitar la renovacià ³n de DACA, quà © documentos deben presentarse al Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Ciudadanà ­a (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s), cuà ¡l es el costo y posibles casos para pedir una exencià ³n del pago y, finalmente, con cuà ¡nta antelacià ³n se debe enviar la peticià ³n de renovacià ³n y cuà ¡nto tiempo se demoran en contestar.  ¿Quià ©nes pueden renovar DACA?: Requisitos Para tener derecho para solicitar la renovacià ³n de DACA es obligatorio cumplir los siguientes requisitos. En primer lugar, tener o haber tenido DACA aprobado. En otras palabras, en la actualidad, no se puede solicitar este permiso por primera vez. Tampoco se puede solicitar un advance parole, que es un permiso para viajar fuera de Estados Unidos y regresar y que cuando gobernaba el presidente Barack Obama sà ­ que se podà ­a pedir. En segundo lugar, es obligatorio no haber salido de Estados Unidos a fecha del 15 de agosto de 2012 o posteriormente, a menos que se tuviera un advance parole que lo permitiese. En tercer lugar, es requisito haber residido permanentemente en los Estados Unidos desde la fecha que se solicità ³ DACA por primera vez. Y, finalmente, tambià ©n es requisito no haber sido condenado por una felonà ­a, ni falta importante –lo que se conoce en inglà ©s como significant misdemeanor– ni por 3 o mà ¡s faltas regulares. Tampoco pueden solicitar la renovacià ³n de DACA los muchachos considerados como un peligro para la seguridad nacional o pà ºblica. En este à ºltimo apartado està ¡n considerados los miembros de las pandillas. Segà ºn el National Immigration Law Center, es altamente recomendable para los muchachos indocumentados contactar con un abogado migratorio de AILA o con un representante acreditado por el Board of Immigration Appeals antes de solicitar la renovacià ³n de DACA si està ¡n en una de las siguientes situaciones: Ha sido arrestadoTiene una acusacià ³n pendienteTiene una citacià ³n judicialHa sido condenado por delito o faltaTiene una orden de deportacià ³n, ha firmado una salida voluntariaTiene un caso de inmigracià ³n cerrado administrativamenteTiene abierto un proceso de deportacià ³n o de expulsià ³n En estos casos mencionados, la solicitud de renovacià ³n de DACA podrà ­a llamar la atencià ³n de las autoridades migratorias sobre las circunstancias del solicitante y colocarle en situacià ³n de prioridad de deportacià ³n. Para evitar estos riesgos es recomendable consultar el caso con un abogado migratorio. Tramitacià ³n para solicitar la renovacià ³n de DACA y documentos necesarios Hay dos clases de tramitacià ³n para solicitar la renovacià ³n del caso. Asà ­, deben utilizar los documentos que se utilizaron para solicitar DACA por primera vez todos aquellos muchachos cuyo DACA hubiera expirado antes del 5 de septiembre de 2016. Asimismo, deben seguir ese mismo procedimiento los que tuvieron alguna vez DACA y les fue terminado por una decisià ³n de USCIS y los muchachos cuyo DACA fue inicialmente aprobado por ICE. Los documentos para solicitar la renovacià ³n en esos tres casos son los siguientes: Forma 821DForma I-765, para el permiso de trabajoForma I-765WCopia por delante y por detrà ¡s del à ºltimo permiso de trabajoDos fotos tipo pasaporte tomadas en los à ºltimos 30 dà ­as antes de enviar solicitud de renovacià ³n.Todos los documentos que demuestran que se reà ºnen los requisitos para DACA en relacià ³n a edad, identidad, residencia en Estados Unidos y educacià ³n o servicio militar. Por otro lado, los muchachos con DACA con fecha de expiracià ³n del 5 de septiembre de 2016 o posterior pueden aplicar para renovar enviando los siguientes documentos. Forma 821D, dejar en blanco la parte que dice for inicial request onlyForma I-765Forma I-765WCopia de anverso y reverso de à ºltimo permiso de trabajo2 fotos tipo pasaporte tomadas en los à ºltimos 30 dà ­asAdjuntar documentos nuevos si ha habido arrestos, detenciones, inicio procedimiento de deportacià ³n, etc. y no se han aportado previamente. En todos los casos de renovacià ³n deben utilizarse los formularios mà ¡s recientes, que pueden obtenerse gratuitamente en la pà ¡gina oficial de USCIS y verificar que se rellena la casilla en la que se solicita la fecha de expiracià ³n del permiso DACA. USCIS puede solicitar informacià ³n adicional o puede contactar con otras agencias del gobierno para verificar que no se ha mentido en la solicitud de renovacià ³n de DACA. En cuando a quà © oficina de USCIS se debe enviar la solicitud, depende del lugar de residencia del solicitante. Se aconseja utilizar correo certificado para hacer mejor seguimiento del paquete y tambià ©n es aconsejable incluir el formulario G-1145 para recibir confirmacià ³n digital de que ha sido aceptado por USCIS. Costo de renovar DACA y posibles exenciones de pago El costo actual para renovar DACA està ¡ fijado en $495. Si no se puede pagar se pueden solicitar prà ©stamos o becas como la de United We Dream. Ademà ¡s, USCIS permite en casos excepcionales solicitar la exencià ³n del pago a las personas que se encuentren en alguna de las siguientes circunstancias. Menores de 18 aà ±os en foster care, desamparados o sin apoyo familiar y con ingresos inferiores al 150% de la là ­nea de pobreza.Incapacitados crà ³nicos con ingresos inferiores al 150% de la là ­nea de pobrezaPersonas con deudas superiores a $10.000 en el à ºltimo aà ±o por gastos mà ©dicos para sà ­ mismas o familiares inmediatos y con ingresos inferiores al 150% de la là ­nea de la pobreza. En estos casos, debe enviarse a USCIS antes de solicitar la renovacià ³n de DACA una carta en inglà ©s con documentos que apoyen el caso y enviarla a: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration ServicesAttn: Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Fee Exemption Request20 Massachusetts Ave., NW4th Floor, Suite 4300MSC 2300Washington, DC 20529 Si USCIS aprueba la exencià ³n, debe incluirse la carta en la solicitud de renovacià ³n. Cuà ¡ndo debe enviarse la solicitud de renovacià ³n de DACA En la actualidad, USCIS recomienda enviar la solicitud de renovacià ³n entre 120 y 150 dà ­as antes de la fecha de expiracià ³n y se està ¡ demorando entre 3 y 5 meses en tramitarlas, si bien hay casos en los que ha tardado menos. Cabe preguntarse si es aconsejable enviar la solicitud de renovar antes de los 150 dà ­as aconsejables teniendo en cuenta la situacià ³n volà ¡til que se vive. Y es que la supervivencia de DACA depende de resoluciones judiciales. Hasta ahora principalmente dos sentencias han permitido que el programa siga adelante, aunque en una versià ³n limitada: Regents of the University of California et al v. Department of Homeland Security al. y NAACP v. Trump. Por el contrario, Texas v. Nielsen es una amenaza. En este contexto de gran incertidumbre por lo que depararà ¡ el futuro solicitar la renovacià ³n antes de 150 dà ­as de su expiracià ³n puede tener sentido. Por ejemplo, si un permiso DACA tiene fecha de expiracià ³n del 30 de septiembre de 2019 y se solicita su renovacià ³n el 31 de enero de ese aà ±o, puede suceder que USCIS la apruebe en mayo de 2019 y, de esa forma, està © dando un permiso de trabajo con validez de dos aà ±os, es decir, mayo de 2021. Si DACA fuera definitivamente terminado antes de septiembre de 2019 eso quiere decir que se abrà ­an ganado casi dos aà ±os con permiso para trabajar. Pero lo cierto es que no se sabe quà © va a pasar y en el caso de que DACA fuera terminado tampoco se sabe si USCIS permitirà ­a que los permisos de trabajo siguieran vigentes, si se tramitarà ­an las solicitudes ya enviadas pero todavà ­a no tramitadas o si simplemente se cortarà ­an de raà ­z todos los beneficios y, ademà ¡s, se perderà ­a el dinero de la cuota de $495 porque USCIS podrà ­a no regresarla. Por todo ello se aconseja consultar con un abogado en el caso de pedir la renovacià ³n de DACA con una antelacià ³n superior a 150 dà ­as a la fecha de expiracià ³n del permiso que actualmente se tiene. Renovar DACA: requisitos, documentos, costo y cuà ¡ndo enviar solicitud Los muchachos indocumentados que llegaron a Estados Unidos siendo nià ±os podrà ­an continuar beneficià ¡ndose del permiso conocido como DACA que autoriza a vivir en el paà ­s y permite la obtencià ³n de un permiso de trabajo. ¿Quià ©nes pueden aplicar por DACA por primera vez?: NADIE ¿Quià ©nes pueden renovar DACA?: los muchachos con DACA aprobado, los que tuvieron el permiso pero les expirà ³ y aquellos que tambià ©n lo tuvieron pero les fue cancelado por USCIS. ¿Quià ©nes deben consultar con un abogado antes de presentar solicitud de renovacià ³n? Muchachos con sentencias condenatorias por delitos o faltas, acusados por hechos criminales, con citaciones judiciales, considerados un riesgo para la seguridad nacional o pà ºblica, con casos abiertos de deportacià ³n, orden de deportacià ³n o expulsià ³n, salida voluntaria firmada, caso de inmigracià ³n cerrado administrativamente, etc. ¿Cuà ¡l es el costo de renovar DACA?: $495. En algunos casos es posible sol icitar exencià ³n del pago. ¿Cuà ¡ndo enviar solicitud de renovacià ³n?: USCIS recomienda enviarla entre 120 y 150 dà ­as antes de la expiracià ³n del permiso actual. Se està ¡ demorando unos 120 dà ­a en resolver. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal para casos concretos.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Analysis Of Truman Capote s Cold Blood - 1622 Words

The usually quiet and lonesome village of Holcomb resides peacefully until the unthinkable happens. During mid-November of 1959 a family of four is shot in their own home. The brutal death of the Clutters creates a sense of uncertainty and paranoia over the village. Truman Capote writes on the tragic story in his novel, In Cold Blood. When found, Perry Smith and Dick Hickock are appointed a trial and face Kansas’s death penalty. However, questions arise about the defendants’ punishment in relation to their mental capacity, specifically Perry Smith’s. Perry deserves to receive special consideration because his childhood causes his mental instability, which allows him to be easily persuaded and not in control of his actions. Perry endures a†¦show more content†¦As a result, making him seem as a malicious and spiteful human being. Green, the prosecuting attorney, goes onto state â€Å"And if ever there was a case in which the maximum penalty was justified, this is it. These were strange, ferocious murders† (304). They claim that others with similar childhoods exemplify the ability to overcome their situation and appear successful in life, so Perry should too. Moreover, they use Perry’s sister, Barbara, as an example of a person, who demonstrates the ability to appear as successful and conquer her childhood. However, it proves to be unfair to compare the childhood of Perry with the childhood of others. Each child and how they are affected by their situation appears as unique. Also, the argument of Barbara’s ability to overcome her childhood is overshadowed by the fates of his other three siblings and the comments she makes about her own future. When reflecting on her siblings doomful fates, she expresses feeling of torment as she â€Å"thought that in time, she too, would be overwhelmed: go mad, or contract an incurable illness, or in a fire lose all she valued-home, husband, and children† (183). Obviously Perry’s childhood deeply affects his mental capacity as well as his siblings. They are all products of their similar upbringing; â€Å"The eldest, the brother she loved, had shot himself; Fern had fallen out of a window or jumped; and Perry was committed to violence, a criminal† (183).The only otherShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Truman Capote s The Cold Blood 2055 Words   |  9 PagesJaswanth Sai Pyneni Mrs. Jiminez AP American Literature Language and Composition 3 August 2012 In Cold Blood 1. Capote, Truman. In Cold Blood. NY: Modern Library, 1965 2. Postmodernist Crime Nonfiction 3. In â€Å"In Cold Blood†(1965), a nonfiction novel, Truman Capote accounts for the murder of the Clutter family, residing in Holcomb, Kansas, and the events that followed. The mode of development includes Gothic themes and motifs to make the audience question the roles of the protagonists and the antagonistsRead MoreAnalysis Of Truman Capote s Cold Blood1868 Words   |  8 Pages In 1966, Truman Capote published a book that created an entire genre. Literary Journalism is a type of writing that uses literary techniques to tell a true story. The journalists who write these books spend years researching their subjects and some even form personal bonds with people they meet through their material collecting. Authors collect all of the information they can find about something they are interested in, and then write a book that is factually accurate, yet is written like a fictitiousRead MoreAnalysis Of Truman Capote s Cold Blood 1500 Words   |  6 PagesIn his novel In Cold Bl ood, Truman Capote writes about the Clutter family murders, which took place in November 1959. Herbert Clutter, Bonnie Clutter, and two of their children (Nancy and Kenyon) are murdered in their Holcomb, Kansas home by Perry Smith and Richard â€Å"Dick† Hickock. Capote s novel, though telling the tale of true events, took on fictional, literary elements, creating a genre of its own: the nonfiction novel. It is through these literary elements that Capote sought for his readersRead MoreAnalysis Of Truman Capote s The Cold Blood Essay1512 Words   |  7 PagesSummary: In Truman Capote‘s, In Cold Blood, the story of the 1959 Clutter Family murder is revealed. The audience is introduced to Perry Smith and Dick Hickock as they tune their car and acquire both a shotgun and a knife to rob Herbert Clutter of his â€Å"vast† fortune hidden, in what they assumed to be, a safe. Little did these men know that Herb’s fortune was hidden in the checks he used in subst itute for money, and by the time they came to this realization, it was too late. What was supposed to beRead MoreAnalysis Of Truman Capote s Cold Blood 1247 Words   |  5 PagesAdriana Reyes Professor Leigh Ann Weatherford English A102 November 22, 2016 In Cold Blood by Truman Capote is an exciting non-fiction novel and also a documentary of an authentic historical American crime. Capote utilizes distinctive voices to recount the story, making a closeness between the readers and the murders, the readers and the victims, and the various players in this event—townspeople, agents, companions of the family. He doesn t simply introduce the actualities of the case, all throughRead MoreAnalysis Of Truman Capote s Cold Blood 1304 Words   |  6 Pages For Centuries, men and women have murdered each other for greed, lust, revenge, etc. However, in 1959, Truman Capote traveled to Holcomb, Kansas to discover the other side of murder. He revels two mass murders who are portrayed and embodied the simplicity of being human. Truman Capote, author of In Cold Blood, devoted his life to give his audience every glimpse of the horrid murder of the Clutter family. Not to give a history lesson or a news story, but to present how two men of different backgroundsRead MoreAnalysis Of Truman Capote s Cold Blood1091 Words   |  5 Pagesgets the death penalty while the other gets 15 years. To think that the outcome should be the same, however there are more than one factors that play into a person receiving the death penalty and they are not always considered fair. In Cold Blood by Truman Capote, displays a situation where Perry Smith commits a violent crime, and is charged with the death penalty instead of serving years in prison. Some might argue that his crime was vicious enough for him to receive death, but who gave them theRead MoreAnalysis Of Truman Capote s Cold Blood 1616 Words   |  7 Pagesrights to justice afforded to others elsewhere. America purports to have a duty to serve justice, yet the justice system provides little leeway to those whose crimes are not their fault. This notion of unfulfilled justice appears in In Cold Blood by Truman Capote. When Dick and Perry commit murder, the circumstances are such that Perry cannot be entirely accountable for the actions he took. Perry bears no responsibility for the crimes he committed; storied psychological illnesses and pitfalls compromisedRead MoreAnalysis Of Truman Capote s Cold Blood 1585 Words   |  7 PagesMatthew Capps Miss Sibbach AP English III 10 December, 2014 In Cold Blood? One of the many jobs of the jury in 1960s Kansas would include the deciding of the mental state of killers of mass murder trials choosing between insanity, sentencing the murderers to penitentiary, or sanity giving them death. Truman Capote’s novel In Cold Blood shows the withdrawal of sanity through the lives and relationships of Dick Hickock and Perry Smith, who hung for the murders of the Clutters, a prominent family fromRead MoreAnalysis Of Truman Capote s The Cold Blood 923 Words   |  4 PagesLang Comp 10 August 2017 In Cold Blood Reflection Paper The novel â€Å"In Cold Blood† by Truman Capote is truly a very intriguing piece of literature. Based on a true story, the events of the novel follow the homicide of a loving family who are brutally murdered in a single night and tensions within the community rise as the real culprits are being searched for. Now the plot of the story isn’t what makes this an extraordinary piece, it’s the tone and mood that Capote uses to describe certain events

Thursday, December 12, 2019

In what ways does Shakespeare present Isabella up until the end of Act 2 Essay Example For Students

In what ways does Shakespeare present Isabella up until the end of Act 2 Essay Shakespeare presents Isabella as a key character in Measure for Measure. Isabella is the sister of Claudio who has been condemned to die under the power of Lord Angelo, so she is vital to the plot as she attempts to persuade Angelo to pardon her brother. Interestingly, at the beginning Isabella is joining a convent as a trainee nun. This makes her somewhat different from the other characters presented in Measure for Measure as religion primarily controls her life. At a time when Vienna is corrupt Isabella seems the one of the few characters who has genuine moral values, making her a likeable character. Isabella is the focus of male interest in the play and both of the two males in control; the Duke and Lord Angelo are entranced by her. Angelo finds himself overwhelmed with desire for the Isabella and in the dying moments of the play, the Duke proposes marriage to her. Her dramatic impact on these two, powerful men reflects Isabellas incorruptible charm, portraying how she can attract men with her innocence. There are often times when Isabellas religion is tested such as when Lord Angelo propositions her. However, his tyrannous use of power does not intimidate her and she maintains her principles. Although a modern audience, respect her moral values they cannot always understand how religion can control her to the extreme that she would rather let her brother die than for her to lose her virginity. Isabella first appears in Act 1 scene 4 when Lucio visits her at the nunnery to tell her that her brother has been arrested for fornication. Isabellas decision to enter a convent is never explained in the play and many could argue that she is running away from pressures of real life. Shakespeare does this to make us ask why we personally think she is religious and whether it is a cover she uses to hide her own insecurities. When Isabella asks Francisca, the nun for Strict restraint the reader could also assumes that Isabella may be joining the convent to protect herself from men, especially at a time when Vienna is debauched and immoral. However, to the audience she also comes across as a devout and pious Christian who is spiritually and mentally focused on her religion. Isabellas response to the news of Claudio is far from judgemental; she seems unsurprised by the information although she does seem shocked by Angelos strict punishment: Doth he so seek his life? Isabella questions Lucios words, as she does not quite believe what he is saying. Although she does offer her practicality to the situation: O, let him marry her Unknowingly, Isabella shows a decisive response that would have resolved the problem had the Duke been in charge. However, since Lord Angelo has been promoted as ruler of Vienna he has enforced a stricter and less forgiving approach as leader. Isabellas speeches are short and concise to reflect human emotion in a situation such as this: My power? Alas, I doubt Shakespeare does this to show the tension and disbelief that Isabellas character is going through. Even though Isabella doubts her power against Angelos she still does not abandon the idea and defends her brother, even though he has committed the crime of fornication. This is interesting, as the audience would imagine that as Isabella is a nun she would be against any forms of impiety. After Lucios encouragement to defend Claudio, Isabella appears before Lord Angelo. At first, she seems rather hesitant in explaining the purpose of her appearance: There is a vice that most I do abhor, And most desire should meet the blow of justice; For which I would not plead, but that I must; She soon realises that Angelo will not show her brother leniency when she begs him for her forgiveness. He replies simply, Maiden no remedy. It is here that Isabella seems to give up: O just but severe law! I had a brother, then: heaven keep your honour Isabella turns to leave, this shows a weakness to her character; just because she feels as though she is losing the argument, she soon gives up. However, Lucio has a stern word, urging her to fight for her brothers life, he explains that she is, too cold. These words make Isabella realise that she is the only person that can reverse her brothers awful fate. After this, the audience start to see a new confident passionate side to Isabellas temperament especially in the way she argues with Angelo. Isabella uses a role reversal to cleverly try to portray to Angelo the idea of judgement and the fact that her brother is being judged over a crime that many have committed she tries to ask him how he would feel if he was in the same predicament: I would tell what twere to be a judge, And what a prisoner Angelo seems inflexible and cruel as he stays adamant that Claudio has to die: Your brother is forfeit of the law And you but waste your words Shakespeare explores the theme of mercy and benevolence. He uses the character Isabella to test Angelo. Significantly, she is the only character other than the Duke to face up to Angelo. However, even with the seemingly most religious and moral character he still does not show compassion. Isabella argues that if Angelo had slipped, like him then he would have not been so stern. She deliberately says this to put into perspective Angelos despotic lenience and that if Claudio was in the same position he would show mercy. Whereas before Isabella felt she was losing the argument she instantly wanted to discontinue here, we see that Isabella prepares to fight for her brothers life. Shakespeare cleverly relates back to religion, this seems convenient considering Isabella is a nun. Isabella asks Angelo what he will do when he is judged by God: Hobsons Choice EssayThis makes the scene incredibly dramatic for the audience, as they know exactly what sin Angelo wants Isabella to commit. Angelo eventually realises that Isabella does not understand his proposition he tells her that he will speak more gross so that she can understand. Angelo explains to her that she can save her brother by offering her body to him. Isabellas response is turbulent and obstinate as she argues that her brothers death is a small price to pay instead of eternal damnation. The imagery to show her sheer contempt towards the situation suggests sex and is incredibly ironic considering that she is arguing to keep her virginity: And strip myself to death as to a bed Even though she tries to act honourably, the audience still recognises her sexual urges and some critics even say that she shows a subconscious eroticism by her sexual implication. Sardonically Angelo tempts Isabella to commit the same crime as her brother. However, Isabellas blunt refusal displays her purity, although it could also show that she is frightened of sex. To a modern audience many would find this unrealistic, as she is more concerned with her virtue than her brothers life. Many critics would feel that she is heartless and selfish. Conversely, in the period that Measure for Measure was set people were ultimately concerned for their soles as they lived in fear of God. As Isabella is becoming a nun she is devoted to her religion and feels that is better that her brother died at once than it is for her to die forever. Although a modern audience may not agree with what she is doing, they still respect her for her integrity and sincerity. At the point when Angelo declares that he loves Juliet she immediately seems outraged and replies, My brother did love Juliet Here she realises that Angelo is attempting the same crime as Claudio, her tone of voice suggests her fury and hatred for Angelo as she shows his hypocrisy: And you tell me that he shall die fort Isabella threatens to tell the world of his malicious offence. Here we see Isabella takes control as she for one moment thinks that she has the upper hand on her opposition. Sadly, for her he replies calmly, Who will believe thee, Isabel? Here she is brought back to reality as she realises that she has no chance of proving what Angelo has done and she admits her weakness. Isabellas only soliloquy in the play reflects the predicament she is in. She knows that fornication is a mortal sin and will affect her life completely as it has everlasting consequences. We as the reader can see her distress by Shakespeares use of rhetorical O. We can interpret from her language that she is in an emotional dilemma: Twenty headson twenty bloody blocks Her hyperbolic speech conveys her emotion and distress she is going through. However, she shows clearly her decision, Isabel live chaste, and brother, die: More than our brother is our chastity Here she undoubtedly confirms that she loves her brother dearly, but loves God more. She is completely confident that her brother will understand the situation she is in. In the last two lines, Shakespeare deliberately uses assonance to create a more memorable ending to Isabellas soliloquy: Ill tell him yet of Angelos request, And fit his mind to death, for his souls rest. This emphasises her dramatic decision and almost selfishly shows how Isabella now needs to go and prepare her brother for death. Shakespeare presents Isabella as a complex and intricate character who, although seems incredibly resolute towards religion at times she noticeably often hints at sex. This enforces ambiguity to her character and the audience immediately considers whether she uses religion as a mask to hide her sexual desires because she is afraid of men and relationships. She is clearly devoted morally and will not be tempted by Angelo even to save her brothers life. The audience are often divided over their conclusions of whether she is a devout Christian who is sincerely devoted to what she believes in, or a frightened young woman who is scared of sexual relationships. Although we never find out which of these is Isabellas true character we do know that Isabella also goes on to tempt the Duke. Again, this could be through her innocence; however it seems rather coincidental that two men of great power fall for her entirely because of this and we are led to believe that she subconsciously flirts to get her own way. Isabellas character is rarely on her own and Shakespeare uses her to interact with other characters to allow for comparison. This is because she is so different due to her religious morals and high standards. Her character is used as a device to provide drama to the plot, as she is incredibly passionate over issues that she believes in. Shakespeare cleverly uses Isabella in the first half to set up the audience for the emotional roller coaster in the second half of the play. She has a prevailing affect on the play as a whole as she, like the Duke are able to manipulate people. It may be said that she is the focus of the play as she is the major female character that is central to the leading male characters, the Duke, Angelo and Claudio. At times, she controls all of them. This not only shows her influence on the male characters but also shows that in fact it is she who has real control over the play, not the Duke as Isabella manages to manipulate him emotionally. At the end of the play, the audience believes that the Duke has conclusively tested all the characters, and he does to a certain extent. However, it is Isabella who the reader presumes, unknowingly is the major puppeteer for the plot. Shakespeare uses the seemingly most innocent character to have the most control.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Tourism Development at Clipper Bay-Free-Samples-Myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about the Tourism Development at Clipper Bay. Answer: Introduction Clipper Bay is the town which is in rich aesthetic value and has mesmerising view of mountains and seas. It has clusters of unique limestone caves with numerous rock pool formations. As rest of the country is modifying, local government of the town wants to revitalize economy of the town for this purpose it has allocated the budget of $50 million. This report includes a prospective plan on tourism development as an effective measure to revitalise the economy of the town. Tourism planning can be described as blue print that analyses the need of the people planning the trip. Accordingly it provides direction and focus for the local tourism industry, community, businesses and government (Mason, 2015). Tourism planning consists of both positive and negative environmental aspects, socio- cultural aspects and economic impacts. Tourism planning has major effect on the local community of the town, it brings to them various advantages and disadvantages. Sustainable planning done in consultati on with various stake holders reduces the disadvantages to some extent. Sustainable tourism planning can be defined as planning to develop tourist in such a way that it minimises negative impacts and maximises positive impacts on socio- cultural and ecological environment (Edgell, 2016). How to revitalize the economy of Clipper Bay with the help of relevant stake holders Tourism is an important tool for economic development. It is an important source to develop tax revenues, sources of job and urban revitalization (Mowforth Munt, 2015). The development of tourism sector includes involvement of stakeholders such as government, private sector enterprises and local communities. The management of all the stakeholders is very essential to build a sustainable tourism development plan (Sautter Leisen 1999). To revitalise economy of Clipper Bay there is a need of sustainable planning. This can be done by taking few steps. Identify the potential areas that can be developed. In Clipper Bay fishing industry and tourism industry are two major areas that can help to revitalise economy. Developing tourism sector will be a better choice because it will lead to development of various other areas such as sightseeing activities, water sports activities, authentic sea food cooked by the locals, hand weaved products by women, infrastructure and transportation. Developing of tourism sector will also indirectly lead to the development of fishing industry because the demand for fish and fish products will increase as more tourists will visit the place. The next step is identifying the stake holders for Clipper Bay. The stake holders for the town include government, environmental agencies, communities, cultural heritage industries, private enterprises, visitors and tourism organisations. It is always im portant to discuss the tourism planning with the local communities because this development will enable to attain both planning- oriented and community- oriented objectives. The tourism development in the particular area will affect the quality of life of the local community. Therefore it is very important to ensure that interest of local community is safeguarded while planning the tourism development of a particular area. If the local community is not in the favour of the developments that had been planned, it will adversely affect the planning and neither planning objectives nor community objectives will be achieved, so it is always better to discuss the plan with the local community of the area. Just discussing the plan with communities is not enough; the next step is involving people throughout the process. This could be done by community meetings, interviews, advisory committees, residents feedback, visual mapping, pictorial or photographic illustration. Another thing that is t o be done is identifying the key issues at Clipper Bay. The key issues at Clipper Bay are unfertile land, no job opportunities other than fishing and less developed roads. These issues need to be resolved with the help of various community members. The next thing is making projections or estimations, to allocate $50 million fund that is provided by the government. A budget should be made that clearly outlines how much amount should be distributed to each activity. At last proper and systematic implementation of plan is required. ROI Analysis Return on investment (ROI) can be described as a measure of efficiency of an investment. It measures the associated benefit with various kinds of direct investments. Formula for the same is (Gain from investment Cost of investment)/ Cost of investment (Phillips Phillips, 2006). For Clipper Bay ROI will be calculated by summing revenues for the state, less state expenditure and dividing it by state investment or expenditure. In tourism industry there are various kinds of returns that stakeholders expect form the tourism development. The returns that shareholders expect from development of tourism at Clipper bay will include monetary benefits, community development, maintenance of historical places, protection and promotion of cultural values, development of infrastructure, better transportation facilities and development of trade in the area. Government of Clipper Bay has allocated an overall budget of $50m to vitalize the economy and most promising industry that holds the potential to be developed is tourism. Development of tourism will include the investment in building roads, transportation activities and development of natural tourist spots. Major proportion of the funds will be allocated to infrastructure development. All this will help to generate monetary benefits and therefore supporting the economic revitalisation of the economy. The investment on various sectors will also give various not monetary returns like transport, trade and infrastructure development. This will enhance the cultural values and learning among the local community and ultimately resulting into community development. Therefore the return on investment that is expected in Clipper Bay is high. Infrastructure Clipper Bay is moving ahead for the tourism development but the city lacks basic infrastructure. The town does not have well developed roads, housing facilities, restaurants and hotels. The residents of Clipper Bay do their laundry task by the sea. Infrastructure is the key to development for any industry or place. Physical infrastructure is the backbone of developed economy (Ascher Krupp, 2010). Keeping this thing in mind government is taking initiatives to build a highway, so that the place becomes easily assessable. The infrastructure development should be done in a sustainable manner because travel is an important educational tool that can stimulate the maintenance of natural and cultural heritage for the future generations. Better roads are needed, to develop the transportation facilities for the place. The place has an advantage that it is at the tip of peninsula and situated by the sea. The sea can establish link of the town with various other places. Water transportation facilities can be developed for the place. Mobility ensures access to markets, schools and hospitals it will help in developing the local community of the town. If the place has good transport facilities it will attract more tourists. For the community government needs to build common laundries. The next thing for developing tourism of the town is construction of hotels, resorts, entertainment activities places and beach sports activities. This can be done by attracting private enterprises for investing in the place. Infrastructure development will encourage tourist to the place and provide job opportunities to the local community members. This will ultimately result in revitalising the economy of Clipper Bay. Along with infrastructure development, the government should make sure that all this development do not exploit the natural resources, social, economic and ecological processes of the town that are important for human equity, diversity and functionality of natural systems (Yigitcanlar, 2010). Economic advantages and disadvantages of developing tourism in Clipper Bay Advantages Tourism sector develops various other sectors (UNWTO, n.d.): Developing of tourism will include development of various other sectors in the Clipper Bay. This will include development of roads, hotels and transports. Tourism industry attracts various tourists in the town and also various businesses will be required to cater the needs of tourists. The increase in demand for various things will lead to development of various sectors. Overall development will boost up economy of the country. It can provide opportunities for various small businesses (Othman Rosli, 2011): Development of tourism industry will provide opportunity for various small and medium enterprises to set up their businesses at Clipper Bay. These opportunities can be hotel food supply, room cleaning services, handicrafts, child care services, garbage collection services and repair maintenance services. These opportunities will also encourage local communities to come up with their own small scale business. Improving balance of payments between nations: Developing of tourism sector will encourage foreign tourist to the Clipper Bay. Thus it will enable the town to earn foreign exchange. It will ultimately result in improving balance of payment of the country. Provides income and employment to communities in formal and informal sector: Development of tourism will generate various employment opportunities at Clipper Bay in both formal and informal sector. This will generate income for local community members. Sources of various tax revenues for the government: Developing tourism at Clipper Bay can help government to earn various tax revenues. Disadvantages Low paid and seasonal jobs: Tourism sector is labour intensive but it provides seasonal and low paid jobs. Every place has a particular favourable season to visit; the number of tourist is very high during that particular season and very low during the other seasons. Thus it is the disadvantage associated with tourism sector at Clipper Bay. A lot of capital expenditure required: Proper development of tourism sector at Clipper Bay will require lot of capital expenditure from the government. In order to develop the tourism sector various other sectors are needed to developed, major of which is infrastructure sector and this requires huge capital expenditure. Location can become over dependent on tourism: Development of tourism industry at Clipper Bay can increase the dependency of the location on tourism. People will be able to earn only through tourist and have to face difficulties in case there are no or very less tourists. They will not have any other alternative option to earn their living. Socio- cultural advantages and disadvantages of developing tourism in Clipper Bay Advantages Force of peace: Tourism increases movement of people form one place to other. If people will come to visit Clipper Bay this promotes understanding of culture, traditions and lifestyle of the place. This understanding encourages sympathy and mutual understanding towards each other. Thus tourism will act as an important vehicle for peace (Isaak, 2014). Cross cultural Appreciation: Cross cultural appreciation will promote cross cultural knowledge, awareness and sensitivity among different communities. Tourism at Clipper Bay will lead to generation of interest of tourist in local art and crafts thus promoting arts and crafts of the town. Improved lifestyle and practices: Development of tourism will promote learning. People from Clipper Bay will learn from culture of others and others will learn from the culture of Clipper Bay. This learning will result in improving lifestyles and practices of the community. It is the result of demonstration effect. Growth opportunities for cooking culture of the place: From the case study it is seen that women folks of the town have specialisation in cooking authentic sea food. Development of tourism will promote spreading of this culture. Disadvantages Cultural erosion: Cultural erosion means bringing changes to the original things, cultures or traditions due to the commercialisation of things (Zaidan, 2016). For example- Commercialisation can bring changes according to tourist demands in authentic food of Clipper Bay. It can also bring changes to the festival celebrating style of the town. This cultural erosion will ultimately lead to loss in the original cultural values of the place. Violation of spiritual norms of the community: Every community have some spiritual norms it is not always necessary that visitors also respect that tradition (DeMott, 2017). Violation of spiritual norms can be done intentionally by the tourist as they do not hold same respect for spiritual norms or sometimes it is done unintentionally as they are not aware of the those norms. Thus development of tourism may lead to violation of the spiritual norms of the communities at Clipper Bay. Cultural clashes: Residents of different places have different cultures and traditions. Development of tourism encourages cultural exchange and this cultural exchange can sometimes result into contradictions or clashes among different cultures (Yang, Ryan, Zhang 2013). It is possible that the cultural values of tourist that visit Clipper Bay contrast with the cultural values of the local community of the town, this may result into cultural clashes between the visitor and local community members. Development of tourism at Clipper Bay can result into cultural clashes with the members of different nations. Increase in criminal activities: Tourism development can lead to increase in criminal activities in town. These criminal activities can be illegal selling of drugs, theft, and cheating the tourists. This is because some people seek for an opportunity of easy earning from the tourist. This may adversely affect the peaceful atmosphere of the place. Environmental advantages and disadvantages of developing tourism at Clipper Bay Advantages Helps to generate funding to maintain natural sites: Tourism industry will help to generate funds. The funds can be generated by imposing tickets and entry charges on the naturally beautiful sites. These funds can be utilised by the local governments for maintenance of the natural beauty of the Clipper Bay. Environmental awareness rising: Tourism industry can turn to be an effective tool for spreading environmental awareness among the tourists for sustainable tourism activities. At Clipper Bay environmental awareness can be spread by informing the tourist about various environmental hazards that can be potential result of various tourist activities. Disadvantages Depletion of natural resources: Excessive tourism at Clipper Bay can lead to depletion of natural resources such as air and water. It can also lead to land degradation. It creates pressure on local resources such as food, energy and other raw material. Pollution: Pollution can be of different types like air, water and noise. Air pollution can be defined as presence of toxic chemicals in the air that are dangerous for health (Boubel, Vallero, Fox, Turer Stern 2013).When tourism development takes place it leads to an increase in the transportation. Various factors that contribute to air pollution are rail, road and air transportation and emissions from the industries. Water pollution means presence of toxic chemicals in water that make it unfit for consumption (Kneese, 2015).If the tourism is developed it will lead to increase in the number of motor boats, ships and wastage. All this will release toxins and chemicals into the sea and ultimately cause water pollution in Clipper Bay. Noise pollution is defined as excessive level of noise that may harm the normal human or animal life (Murphy King 2014). Increase in number of tourism will result into more noise due to parties and celebrations ultimately resulting in noise pollution for the town. Solid Waste and Littering: Waste disposal will be a major problem for Clipper Bay if it develops it tourism sector. Waste littering will not only degrade the natural beauty of the place but it is also a life hazard for marine animals. Depleting the aesthetic value: Aesthetic value of the place will be degraded if more number of tourists visits the place. It will be developed according to the tourist requirements and this will ultimately harm the natural beauty and natural climate of the Clipper Bay. Deforestation: As we have read in the case study that Clipper Bay has a small population of people and most of its land is covered by forest. Deforestation is an activity to cut down trees for the sake of development (Miller Spoolman, 2014). Developing tourism sector in Clipper Bay will require development infrastructure. This will result in heavy deforestation in the place. Conclusion It can be concluded that tourism development in Clipper Bay holds potential for economy revitalisation. Clipper Bay needs an effective tourism development plan with consultation from local communities and other stake holders. The expected return on investment from tourism development in the town is high and thus tourism seems a potential option to invest in. The tourism development will have various economic, socio- cultural and environmental implications on the town. The major positive benefit from this development is monetary benefits for different stakeholders this will ultimately be helpful in economic revitalisation of the town. The major negative implication will be environmental hazards. The increase in tourism activities will lead to increase in pollution levels and waste disposal problems this will adversely affect the environmental sustainability. To overcome this issue the development should be done in such a way that environmental sustainability should be taken into consi deration. The government has allocated the fund of $50 million for the revitalisation of economy. It needs to ensure that funds are distributed properly among various activities so that they are effectively utilised. To ensure the overall efficiency of the tourism plan all the pros and corns related to the various aspects need to be analysed and issues needed to be resolved. References: Ascher, W., Krupp, C. (Eds.). (2010).Physical infrastructure development: balancing the growth, equity, and environmental imperatives. Springer. Boubel, R. W., Vallero, D., Fox, D. L., Turner, B., Stern, A. C. (2013).Fundamentals of air pollution. Elsevier. DeMott, B. (Ed.). (2017).Perspectives by Incongruity: First of the Year. Routledge. Edgell Sr, D. L. (2016).Managing sustainable tourism: A legacy for the future. Routledge. Isaak, R. (2014). 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Managing stakeholders a tourism planning model.Annals of tourism research,26(2), 312-328. Shani, A., Pizam, A. (2012). Community participation in tourism planning and development. InHandbook of Tourism and Quality-of-Life Research(pp. 547-564). Springer Netherlands. UNWTO. (n.d.). Specialized Agency of United Nations: World tourism Organisation. Retrieved from Yang, J., Ryan, C., Zhang, L. (2013). Social conflict in communities impacted by tourism.Tourism Management,35, 82-93. Yigitcanlar, T. (Ed.). (2010).Sustainable Urban and Regional Infrastructure Development: Technologies, Applications and Management: Technologies, Applications and Management. IGI Global. Zaidan, E. (2016). The impact of cultural distance on local residents perception of tourism development: The case of Dubai in UAE.Turizam: me?unarodni znanstveno-stru?ni ?asopis,64(1), 109-126.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Civil Disobedience Essays (518 words) - Nonviolence,

Civil Disobedience Thoreau was once sent to jail for refusing to pay his taxes and I support this episode of civil disobedience as justified. Thoreau did not pay his taxes because he objected the use of the revenue to finance the Mexican War and enforcement of slavery laws. He did not request for his money to be used for the enforcement of slavery laws, therefore felt he had the right to protest and act out civil disobedience. Paul Harris defines civil disobedience as "an illegal, public, nonviolent, conscientiously motivated act of protest, done by someone who accepts the legitimacy of the legal and political systems and who submits to arrest and punishment" (2). Before I supported his civil disobedience, I opted to see if it was justified. For Thoreau's arrest to be an act of civil disobedience, it has to be publicized. Being publicized distinguishes his arrest as civil disobedience rather than being criminal (7). Thoreau had many people offering to pay his taxes but refused to take them. His refusal made his arrest publicized enough for someone to pay his taxes to release him from jail. Civil disobedient acts need to be publicized to show the participant is against the political system. Thoreau showed he was against paying taxes by wanting to stay in jail and arguing that he should be the only person to pay his own taxes. This indicates he wanted his disobedience justified. For acts of civil disobedience to be justified, those acts need to be acts of protest. Thoreau desired a change in the law and the political system, so he attempted to change a flaw in the governmental law. He demanded to stay arrested and protest in hopes of a change in the law. He was not concern that he was released, but that his disobedience had an affect. This further justifies his disobedience. Nonviolence is a requirement for an act to be an act of civil disobedience (10). Nonviolence is a defining characteristic of civil disobedience (10). Thoreau's use of nonviolence means a serious purpose of justifying his protest against taxes and shows the respect for human rights as a moral value (10). Thoreau, when asked to go to jail, agreed to go without violence and did not let violence intrude into the process of the protest. I believe being civil disobedient involves nonviolent protests like Rosa Parks' civil disobedience against racial segregation of blacks sitting in the front of buses. Both Thoreau and Parks used nonviolent tactics to change political law. I support both Thoreau and Parks for breaking unjust laws to change and make a difference in our government law. I support Henry David Thoreau's disobedient act against paying taxes. He did not want his money to be use in a way he did not desire. Standing up for what you believe in and being disobedient does not necessary mean committing an illegal act. It can change the law to better suit society. People practicing civil disobedience break a law because they consider the law unjust, and want to call attention to its injustice, hoping to bring about its withdrawal.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Examples of Persuasive Essays

Examples of Persuasive Essays Examples of Persuasive Essays Examples of Persuasive Essays Persuasive essay writing is one of the common college works. You must remember that essay writing consists of introduction, main text and conclusion. The structure of the main body depends on what the argumentative persuasive essay topics are asking you to do. In the case of a discussion type essay, the main body should be divided into two parts: one looking at the advantages of the topic and the other looking at the disadvantages. A plan for the first example might look like this: Topic:   Academic qualifications are of little practical benefit in the real world. Essay Introduction: variety of different qualifications; different methods of assessment. Benefits: international standards for professions, e.g. doctors; students have chance to study latest theories; qualifications lead to better salaries and promotion. Drawbacks: many successful people don't have qualifications; many qualified people don't have jobs. Essay Conclusion: qualifications are useful but are not the guarantees of success. Writing Persuasive Essay Effective note-making is a key persuasive essay writing skill with a number of practical uses. Good note-making techniques lead to accurate essays. Although you are the only person who will read your notes, clarity and organization are still very important. Pay attention to headings, listings, abbreviations ('N/S') and symbols. You need to develop your own style for note-making, as you will have to read your notes later. Do not abbreviate too much or you may find the notes impossible to understand in the future. Writing an Essay Paraphrasing involves changing a text of your English essays writing.   This skill is useful in academic essays writing. Effective paraphrasing is vital for college essays writing as it helps to avoid the risk of plagiarizing. Although paraphrasing techniques are used for summary writing, paraphrasing does not aim to shorten the length of a text. For example: Evidence of a lost civilization has been found on the coast of China. Could be paraphrased as:  Remains of an ancient society have been discovered near the coastal China. .com If persuasive essay writing is a challenging task for you, you are welcome to order custom persuasive essay writing help at our site.   We guarantee timely delivery and grant you the right to request unlimited number of revisions.   We offer the best prices!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Vivendi Universal Case Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Vivendi Universal Case - Assignment Example In the case of EBITDA, deprecation and amortization which does not involve the payment of cash but represents estimated annual charges for tangible and intangible assets respectively are not taken into account. These charges relate to the portion of assets used up during the period. Operating free cash flow which is seen as a more useful measure is the net operating capital after tax with a deduction for expenditures on operating capital during the period (Brigham and Ehrhardt 2010). Increasing free cash flow (FCF) is seen as the means by which managers seek to improve their company’s valuation (Brigham and Ehrhardt 2010). FCF takes into consideration interest and taxes as well as the company’s gross investment in operating capital in order to determine what is available to be distributed to investors. EBITDA does not differ from accrual earnings as it takes into consideration revenue earned during the current period but not yet received as well as expenses incurred but not yet paid. However, it does not take into consideration interest and taxes which relates to the net income earned during the period. Additionally, depreciation charges which seek to allocate the cost of operating assets over their estimated useful life and amortization charges on tangible assets for which amounts are capitalized in the accounts. Operating free cash flow differs from accrual earnings because it not only focus on expenses incurred during the period and revenue earned during the period but also investments in operating capital – fixed or non-current assets and current assets. Earnings accrual does not take gross investment in operating capital into account. I believe that auditors should be held responsible for auditing such information since the income statement and the cash flow statement form part of the financial statements that they provide opinion on in there audit report. They state whether these and